And don’t dump your cooking water!
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Monday, June 17

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Dear Reader,

Reporter Puja Changowala came to Bluedot with a story she wanted to tell about a successful city, the so-called Silicon Valley of India, struggling through its worst water crisis in history. There are lessons, she told me, that other cities could learn. Just right for Bluedot!Β 

β€œAround the world, at least 200 cities are fast running out of water,” she wrote. By 2030, an Indian thinktank projects that 21 Indian cities will run out of groundwater, affecting 100 million people. And we’re reading about more cities all the time β€” Mexico City, BogotΓ‘, even Calgary, Alberta.

The story Puja tells is of a city that, rather than wait for the government to solve the problem (authorities were slow to take necessary measures), ordinary people stepped up to find solutions. β€œRestaurants are serving food on banana leaves to conserve water,” she tells us, β€œand in general, Bengaluru’s residents are having more conversations about the water crisis, climate change, and what can be done to curb the impact of global warming.” While it seems a bit crazy that we have to reach such drastic milestones to recognize the threat we’re facing, Puja paints a picture of hope. Today β€” World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought β€” seems as good a time as any to read her story.Β 



A water-saving tip:

And more tips on being water-wise from drought-prone San Diego.

For more Bluedot Climate Quick Tips, click here. Do you have a climate quick tip you swear by? Tell Dot about it!

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