And a reminder to clean those fridge coils!
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Tuesday, June 18

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Dear Reader,

I love to introduce you to the folks behind Bluedot Living — the writers and editors and web producers and photographers and, well, you get it. So today, let me introduce you to Elizabeth Weinstein, Marketplace Editor, recipe maven, lover of good meals, and foe of food waste. 

I asked Elizabeth to fill out Dot’s Take 5 — to share her advice, recommendations, favorites … So, on this Sustainable Gastronomy Day, meet Elizabeth, courtesy of her Take 5: 

A book worth reading: 

The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel (on Amazon). Don't let politics (or religion) sway you from picking up this 1961 book by one of the best known rabbis of the 20th Century. A civil rights pioneer who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Heschel describes the Sabbath — the weekly Jewish holiday of rest beginning every Friday at sundown — as a "cathedral in time." Presciently, he writes: "The solution of mankind’s most vexing problem will not be found in renouncing technical civilization, but in attaining some degree of independence of it." This beautiful book offers insight for anyone looking to disconnect and to see their surroundings — and themselves — more clearly.

An activity worth doing: 

Literally stopping to smell the roses, and all the other flowers you come across. To really get a rose to reveal its scent to you, lean in close and breathe out, then inhale. The warmth of your breath opens up the fragrance.  

A few favorite questions: 

Have they counted the gold 

in the cornfields? 

How do we thank the clouds

for their fleeting abundance?

In dream, do plants blossom

and their solemn fruit ripen? 

These musings and hundreds more can be found in Pablo Neruda’s The Book of Questions (on Amazon). Just a minute with this slim volume can reset your mood entirely, and make you smile at the wonders of the natural world.  

  Meet Elizabeth ... and her best pal, Finley.

An exercise to spark your imagination: 

If you’re feeling creative, or if you’d like to inspire creativity, try your hand at some Neruda-style questions. Here’s my go at it, today: 

Do Los Angeles’s cars await jacaranda season, 

stretching open their sunroofs 

to swallow tasty purple blossoms? 

A recipe worth trying: 

Save all of your chicken bones — as well as onion skins and clean carrot peels and celery tops — in the freezer. Then make your own chicken broth every so often. It's really easy, as there’s no real need for precision, and having homemade stock in the house is always a comfort. 

Thanks Elizabeth! Now, my turn to try a Neruda-style question: 

Do the stars gaze down, select one of us in particular, and make a wish?



While you’re thinking food … clean those fridge coils:

Mr. Fix-it shows you how to improve refrigerator efficiency.

For more Bluedot Climate Quick Tips, click here. Do you have a climate quick tip you swear by? Tell Dot about it!

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