And how to calculate your carbon footprint!
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Tuesday, June 11

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Dear Reader,

Exxon knew the impact of burning fossil fuels. Yet the company and its fossil fuel friends have done a masterful job of deflecting blame for our climate crisis and convincing all of us that warming can be stopped in its tracks if we can simply curb our individual carbon footprints. But the truth is that the climate solutions that can reap the most benefits in the shortest period of time are system changes β€” changes to how we grow and transport food, how states and provinces generate energy, how we tax (or subsidize) fossil fuel companies.Β 

Of course, it’s not an either/or situation, but a both/and one. And while we continue to push (and vote) for system change, we can also be taking steps in our own homes and communities to, yes, shrink our personal carbon footprints. Or, as Project Drawdown puts it, β€œwe should continue to be wary of efforts from the fossil fuel industry and other bad-faith actors to shift blame for the climate crisis from themselves to consumers, [but] we cannot dismiss the importance of individual climate action. We need system change, but personal actions are part of the system.”

Which personal actions? As Dot is wont to say, whichever actions make the most sense for you. For many of us, it starts in the kitchen β€” what we put on our plates has significant climate impact (as does what we throw away). For others, it makes sense to start with how they transport themselves. Reducing flights, swapping out gas-powered transport for human-powered methods, mass transit, or carpooling. For still others, changing how they heat/cool their homes makes sense (and, usually, cents!). Project Drawdown has put together a guide to help you find your own way toward success. Dot would love to hear what action you Climate Champs have taken β€” no matter how small. Please share so we can all be inspired!



Visit ClimateTrade to calculate your carbon footprint and get tips on reducing it.

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