An off-grid community that offers refuge
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Woman and boy feeding tortoise

In case you missed it

As we kick off 2024, we want to share a couple of the stories that you might have missed that were the most read stories of 2023:

  • Our most-read story of 2023 brought readers to Slab City, an off-grid California desert community with deadly heat endangering residents. But this unique locale is a refuge for the overlooked, misunderstood, and disenfranchised.

  • The average American throws away more than 400 pounds of food per person annually, much of it perfectly fine. And “best before,” “sell by,” or dates without context that are slapped on packages lead have nothing to do with safety. Find out what you can do in your own kitchen. 

  • Have you met Dear Dot? Her top column was about the decreasing cost of cashmere. She traced it back to the devastating impact of cashmere goats in Mongolia, where the number of goats skyrocketed from an estimated 5.2 million goats in Mongolia in 1991 to 25.8 million in 2004. What seemed like a simple question uncovered a complicated answer.

In 2024, we’ll continue to tell stories, give tips, and help all of us be better citizens of our beloved planet. We offer these resources for free — we don’t have a paywall and rely on reader support. When you support Bluedot Living today, you’re allowing us to publish more stories like these.

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