Plus, Dear Dot loves to ride her bicycle ...
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Welcome to Bluedot San Diego! Every other Sunday, we share stories about local changemakers, sustainable homes and yards, and the nature all around us, along with planet-friendly recipes and advice from Dear Dot. Together, we can make a difference for the blue dot we call home. 

– Nicki and Jim Miller

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The City Farmers Experience

City Farmers is more than a garden center — that much is obvious the first moment you walk up to this garden center/petting zoo/educational institution/cafe/live music venue/community center. Nestled along busy Euclid Avenue on the edge of City Heights, it’s a 50-year-old family-owned business, but much more, says owner Sam Tall, son of the late founder “Farmer Bill” Tall: “It’s not just a business, it’s also home. I grew up at the nursery and I am fortunate enough to live at the nursery with my wife and 2-year-old son. It’s a place that supports the community, keeps people’s passion for plants and growing alive. So to wake up in the middle of that every day creates a strong passion that I get to share with so many people.”

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Skip scrolling! Here's what you'll find in today's Bluedot San Diego Newsletter:

Paid Advertisement from NativePath Collagen

So… what exactly does collagen do, again? This nutrient is Insta-trending for a reason – it’s essential for healthy skin, joints, and bones. The big bummer: many collagen supplements are made with artificial ingredients and (gross) animal byproducts.

NativePath has a different approach. NativePath collagen is certified grass-fed and pure, and sourced from 100% happy, healthy cows… so you can put nutrients into a happy, healthy human. It provides Types 1 and 3 collagen – more than 90% of your body’s needs. Plus, it’s tasty and provides 20 grams of protein, so you’ll get lots of energy to boot. Find out more about the many benefits of NativePath’s collagen powder on their website!

Get Yours Today

Featured Stories

News from Washington is typically … not great. That’s why we are highlighting a spate of positive federal actions that have been coming fast and furious as this presidential term nears its end. Rules limiting oil drilling and mining, promoting solar in poorer communities, and most importantly, putting coal power plants on notice. Most of these could be reversed by a different administration in the future, but they point the way to a greener tomorrow. And since May is Bike Month, if you’re into fitness, chances are you have some “technical” workout gear that keeps you comfy while getting your pedal on … or downward dog. Mollie Doyle loves her stretch fabrics, but discovers a dark side — along with some solutions.

Dear Dot: Why Aren’t Cities
Embracing Bicycle Infrastructure?

– Illustration by Elissa Turnbull

Dear Dot,

I’ve heard that bike transit could really help fight climate change but New York City sometimes feels very anti-bike (and dangerous!). Why aren’t cities embracing bicycle infrastructure?

– Kyle

Dear Kyle,

The short answer: While more cities are building cycling infrastructure (thanks Inflation Reduction Act!), there’s a lot more that needs to be done. We can help by getting involved in local cycling advocacy groups (San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, People for Bikes, and others), and pushing our towns and cities to create safer routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Let’s not rest until cyclists are treated with the same consideration as motorists. …

Read the rest of Dot’s answer.

Got a question for Dot? Write her at

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Great Last-Minute Gifts for Mother’s Day

If you make a purchase through our links, including from Amazon, we may earn a small commission.

If you’re still looking for a gift for Mother’s Day, you’re in luck. All of these should either arrive at your door fast or involve no shipping at all — just a nice handwritten note.

We wish you all a happy Mother’s Day.

  • Nurture a hobby with studio time at a local ceramics shop, or perhaps a class in jewelry making or a new language.

  • Let Mom pick one of many unique online classes from B Corp Uncommon Goods. Topics include ’80s cocktails, Pollinator Gardens, Dog Massage Therapy, and so much more. Buy now.

  • Online classes for all kinds of baking from King Arthur — you can even take them together from different parts of the country. Buy now or read our review. 

  • Classes on photography, organic gardening, negotiating, or almost anything Mom wants with a subscription to Masterclass. Buy now.  

  • Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book Braiding Sweetgrass, a classic of the modern environmental movement. Buy now (on Amazon).

  • Upstream: Selected Essays by Mary Oliver focuses on the beauty of the natural world. Buy now (on Amazon).

  • Pascale Beale’s Les Fruits: Savory and Sweet Recipes From the Market Table on cooking with fruit all year long. Buy now (on Amazon).

Protecting Sea Lions (and Humans) in La Jolla

Fools with cellphone cameras harassing 800-pound animals with sharp teeth? Seems like maybe we should let nature take its course. … Luckily, the City of San Diego is a little more level-headed, and last fall closed La Jolla Point permanently for the sake of both humans and animals. La Jolla has become a haven for seals and sea lions, and it is a great place to observe the critters. The Children’s Pool, by the way, is closed annually from December 15 to May 15, so seals can raise their pups. So it reopens for people on Thursday!

Do you have a special San Diego nature photo or story to share?

BLUEDOT KITCHEN: Healthy Desserts

Eating healthy and sustainable can be delicious, and even fun. Do away with prepackaged sweets and ultra-processed junk, and make your own decadent desserts. Chef Caroline Saunders, the mastermind behind the weekly Pale Blue Tart sustainable baking newsletter shares her amazing vegan mousse recipe made with … chickpea water! Then Nicole Litvak updates the simple, classic rice crispy square for the better.

Chocolate-Orange Aquafaba Mousse

Healthy and Clean Rice Crispy Treats

Cruising: Rad Power RadWagon 4 E-Bike

Every Bike Month, editor Jim Miller recalls how a co-worker once said, “I wish I could ride my bike on errands, but it’s impossible with kids.” He replied, “That would be news to the millions of parents who do it.” Take Stacy and Justin, for example, who love ferrying their two kids around on their huge Rad Power e-bike. It’s especially handy for school drop-offs and pickups, when they joyfully cruise by the pointless clog of SUVs. Stacy was a skeptic at first, but now: “It’s so fun, and way more convenient for school.” They actually started a bit of a local e-bike trend. And they’re not the only ones: Our Santa Barbara Notes From the Home Front columnist is a convert, too.

Many birds die needlessly each year crashing into buildings. Philadelphia is doing something about it. And President Biden just signed a new bipartisan law that will help protect migratory birds!
For more Bluedot Climate Quick Tips, click here.

Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day. We all have a mother, but Mother Nature is the mother of them all. Many of us first experience the great outdoors with our moms, or at least, they would order us to go outside if we were going to be so noisy. Nature has nearly infinite varieties of beauty, and moms are infinitely variable as well. Mother Nature is often unsparing, and moms often have to lay down the law, too. Moms are often our biggest supporters, emotionally and financially, and Mother Nature provides for all of us. And as we get older, sometimes moms need help, just as Mother Earth does now. We hope you’ll help us help big mama Earth with inspiring, upbeat stories of positive change and advice for greener living. And maybe share this newsletter with your mom, if you can. We’re sure she’d love to hear from you.

Happy Mother’s Day! We’ll see you in two weeks.

– Nicki and Jim Miller
Editors, Bluedot Living San Diego

We live in San Diego and love the opportunity to be on the water and in the mountains in one day. Nicki, a writer and editor, and Jim, a writer and environmental economist, are excited to combine skills as the editors of Bluedot Living San Diego. Since we’re avid cyclists, you may see us riding along the Silver Strand or hitting the trails in Cuyamaca (probably not on the same day). Thank you for joining us on this Bluedot ride!  

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